Why I am Running...
I am running because we can’t wait for change to happen, we need to make the change we want to see. Coming though the pandemic we have the opportunity to reach heights that First Bristol and Massachusetts have never reached before. We have the chance to create a better future for all.
Our leadership in the Governor’s office and in the State House have been slow to take on the challenges that face us We need to step up and be a leader for the rest of the country, and show we are making progress and moving forward, especially in light of this pandemic. We will be starting a new chapter with a new Governor. We can also turn the page for a new chapter in the leadership of First Bristol. We will have new opportunities, new goals and new relationships that we can forge and build a better future together.
I hope to be the new voice for you in the State House, who will push for change and push for progress. I am running to be your advocate, pushing our Commonwealth forward. We can invest in upgrading and expanding our Public Transportation. We can invest in our expansion and improvement of Public Education. We can invest in a more environmentally friendly future to save our planet and improve our health. We can make healthcare more accessible and more affordable.
With a change in leadership and the next generation of leaders stepping up in the State House, we have never been closer to achieving progress that can create a better future for all. I hope you can join this growing movement across First Bristol and across the Commonwealth and join me on this campaign.
Together we can begin a new chapter for First Bristol and a new chapter for Massachusetts.
Together we can make a better future for all.
Meet Brendan
An Active & Dedicated Member of Our Community
Brendan is a lifelong resident of Mansfield and is the oldest of 4 children to middle class parents. Brendan worked in the community with the youth sports organizations. He worked the Flag Football fields in the Fall, the Basketball courts in the Winter and the Baseball Snack Shack in the Spring. After graduating from Mansfield High School, Brendan went to the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. to study Architecture.
While at CUA, Brendan became more active politically during the 2012 election. Brendan volunteered for Joe Kennedy’s first campaign for Congress and did phone banking for Elizabeth Warren’s first Senate race. Brendan recognized that politics is not just for lawyers and people who have a longer life experience. Young people from diverse backgrounds and different areas of expertise all need to participate to work for what can be achieved now and to work towards our goals for the future.
Since finishing college, Brendan has been working on those beliefs by being active within the Mansfield Democratic Town Committee, serving as Vice-Chair and with the Young Democrats of Massachusetts, serving as a Chapter Chair. He has worked with multiple activists locally to get more young people active within their communities and with campaigns. Brendan has been a consistent attendee of Town Meetings and recently served on the Master Plan Committee for Mansfield. Brendan currently serves as an associate member of the Planning Board in Mansfield